Home Insurance
We insure your safe place!
Home Insurance
Home Insurance is comprised of many coverage types.
Coverage A
The Dwelling – This includes the actual structure of the home and attached structures. Some examples are an attached garage.
Coverage B
Other Structures – This includes any structures not attached to the home. One example is a storage building, gazebo, etc.
Coverage C
Personal Property or Contents – This includes anything not permanently affixed to the home. IE. Clothing, furniture, electronic equipment, etc.
Coverage D
Loss of Use – If you need a hotel room while repairs are being made to the home, this area covers that expense.
Coverage E
Personal Liability – If a non family member injures themselves on the property, this covers loss of wages and other personal liabilities.
Coverage F
Medical Payment – This covers any medical expenses to injured parties other than family members.
There are also limits that are required by the state. If the unthinkable happens, don’t get stuck having to foot the bill for repairs or personal injuries. Make sure you carry at least 80% coinsurance on your home insurance policy. Check with your agent to find out more. You can also reference handy guides like the Consumer Guide to Home Insurance.
Give us a call today, we al so carry Life, Boat & JetSki Insurance.